Saturday, November 20, 2010

All I Want for Christmas

When we leave Okinawa, I'm really going to miss the parks. Not only to Japanese parks have long rolling slides that require a piece of cardboard to protect your bum, some also have stilts readily available for use without a waiver.

Do you really think I could walk by stilts without trying them out? It was 15 minutes of entertainment Michelle and Olivia will never get back.

A little tricky at first, but I got the hang of it. Enough to feel like the Wright Brothers Flyer and go 120 (uh um) inches.
No kids were run over during this take, although at least three gave Michelle panic attacks as they wandered in front of me. But I was in control the whole time, like a bull in a china shop. Eyes on the prize, ignore the taunting 8-year old boy who walks by on stilts like he was born on them. He wasn't blind folded, but he did stop and jump on his stilts. I had no idea you could jump on stilts. I would have tried jumping, but I was too busy looking like a new born colt with knocky knees.

I'll have to ask Santa for a pair of stilts in order to practice some more and get to the jumping phase. But at least I can start Little O now, while she's still in that no fear stage. Then she can walk by the gaijin (foreigners) and taunt them with her stilt skills.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

I would have tried them too. You just have to!

Pops said...

Those stilts would be handy at Menards. Every thing I want there is always on the top shelf and just out of reach! I guess you would say I'm vertically challenged and it always shows up at Menards.