Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bye bye sofa

Today was the day. Our beloved sofa left us.

At exactly noon, two men showed up in a fitness equipment installation van. The money transaction took place. I pocketed the money. I turned my back for a second and the next thing I knew our sofa was no longer our sofa.

It is now the sofa of Bill and Julie of Moorpark. Who, I would like to point out, didn’t even sit on the sofa before buying it. Not once. Who buys a sofa without sitting on it??!!??

Sorry sofa.

1 comment:

BennyV said...

When Bill showed up to buy the sofa, I asked if he wanted to try it out. But being the wise man he is, he said, "My wife said she wanted it, so it must be good enough." Turns out Julie didn't sit on it either... Californians, gotta love em.