Friday, February 1, 2008

Drum roll please

The dates and places of the much anticipated Benny and Michelle's Farewell Tour were announced today.

So here is the deal:

Benny and I are taking three weeks off of work to stop and visit friends and family before the overseas move to Okinawa, Japan. Since Benny is planning on selling his car in Minnesota, we are driving it back for one last road trip. And along the way we are doing a farewell tour so we can see a few friends along the way.

The following is the schedule of dates and locations for our farewell tour. Of course, theses dates are subject to change depending on snow, ice, flat tires, tired drivers and other acts of God.

Obviously there is a few more places and people we would have liked to seen before moving ie. Shelly in Key West, Lara in Wichita Falls and Sue in Chicago. But it’s not a nationwide tour, so that would be possible this time. Maybe next time.

Here is the schedule:

Feb. 22 Night in Merced, Calif. with Jim, Brooke and Mylie

Feb. 23 Reno with Tammy and Chris. Mindy and Chad will meet us there.
Feb. 24 Day 2 in Reno

Feb. 25 Staying in Moab, Utah

Feb. 26 Greeley, Colo. with the Western Willes, AKA Glenn, Heather, Evan and Quinn

Feb. 27 Kansas City Staying with Kati and Justin

Feb. 28 Kansas City Staying with Dani and Curt. Also want to see Brye and Geoff

Feb. 29 Brunch in Omaha with Dana. Dinner in Des Moines with Lee, Alan,
Jenny, Carson and London

March 1-6 Minneapolis. Sleeping arrangements and people to see is still
being finalized.

March 7-13 Iowa. Sleeping arrangements and people to see is still being

March 14 Drive to Minnesota

March 15 Fly back to California on one-way flight


TammyK said...

I'm so excited! The WGA better not get in the way of our Oscar night!

Anonymous said...

If you guys can swing about 3 1/2 hours south of Kansas City, I'd be happy to show you guys Northwest Arkansas!

- Rich

Dani said...

We can't wait for you to come to KC!!! The Boulevard Wheat's are already chillin' in the I just need to make sure Curt doesn't drink them all before you get here!