Monday, January 28, 2008

My teeth aren't going to Japan. Only my cavities.

Remember my excitement over getting my medical paperwork completed for the move. Today, my heart sank.

I had my six month checkup at the dentist. She found three cavities, so I'll be back on Monday for fillings. More fillings. Sigh.

And she thinks that I'm grinding my teeth and recommended wearing a mouth guard while I sleep. I tried to tell her that I'm sure the teeth grinding is stress triggered. It's only temporary. Once I get to Okinawa and get settled, I'll stop. She didn't believe me. So now I have to research if our insurance will pay for a stupid mouth guard.

With Benny sleeping with eye goggles to protect his eyes after LASIK and me wearing my mouth guard, I'm pretty sure all romance will be gone in the bedroom.