Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cyclone football in the middle of the night

For those readers who didn't grow up in the Corn State, I'll let you in on a little secret: the state's entire population stops whatever they are doing during the second weekend of September to watch the Iowa State vs. Iowa football game.

This game is a huge deal. Besides bragging rights for the entire year, the winning university also gets ownership of the Cy-Hawk Trophy.

My love affair with this annual match-up started in September 1998. I didn't attend the game at Iowa City and was working when the game was played, so I didn't see it. But I did partake in the celebrations when the students partied that Saturday evening. The partying was long overdue -- Iowa State hadn't won that game since 1982. The Cyclones went on to win against the Hawkeyes every year that Benny and I were at college. We know we had an hand in those victories.

Since graduating, I haven't been back in Iowa during the Great Game. When I moved to Wichita Falls, Texas, I watched the game at a sports bar alone while my friends were tailgating. In Yuma, Benny and I watched the game at Buffalo Wild Wings with an uninvited Iowa fan. Five years ago, we watched the interstate rival game from a hotel room in Pensacola, Florida. We were in town for Benny;s Officer Candidate School graduation. This was the first time I experienced the game with non-Iowans or Cyclone grads. Benny's family members were good sports about my obsession. I even have forgiven Benny's brother Jon for cheering for the Hawkeyes. Some people just don't know any better.

I thought that my 10-year streak of viewing the Iowa State-Iowa game would come to a halt this weekend. But thanks to our AFN satellite dish, we watched the game live!!!

Kick off was at 1 a.m. Sunday morning, so I took a long nap Saturday in preparation for the game. I didn't have any beers or grilled hot dogs, or even chili from Tip Top. But I had my favorite Cyclone fan, a comfortable and dry seat, and a great view of every play.

The only thing that would have made this Iowa State experience better? A Cyclone victory.


Tammy said...

That's true dedication, Michelle.

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

We sucked on Saturday (or Sunday, your time)....but you got to watch it and that's exciting. Maybe it will be better next year? You'll get to enjoy it with a little one dressed head to toe in ISU gear!

Nevin said...

Well the good news is you team didn't give up 69 points like the Wolf Pack. That is a basketball score! I was rooting for the Cyclones too!! Next year???

Drea said...

Ahh, I keep signing this thing as Jeremy. Which is okay on the pig comment, because I am sure you know its me. But this last comment could be either one.

Tammy said...

Nah, I think the exclamation points gave you away, Dre.