Monday, May 4, 2009

The Corn Verdict

Because inquiring minds want to know what the judges think:

The Verdict:


Meli said...

Really best sweet corn outside Iowa? You've never had PA sweet corn. Those Amish know how to grow some sweet corn. Must be part of the inbreeding.

Peter said...

The best sweet corn is that which is grown in one's own garden. As for Benny's deplorable confession that he didn't know there was two major kinds of corn grown in the US, that's just despicable! Good thing you married well-she'll you edjumacated on all things rural...

volksbloggin said...

Hmmm. Amish corn you say. I'll have to try that the next time I'm in Pa. And I agree with Peter -- the best sweet corn is that the ears that you grow yourself. Hopefully some day I'll get to have a garden. Some day.