Monday, November 16, 2009

It's just me and you Little O (Day One)

We dropped Michelle off at the airport at 10:50am.

The first call to Mom was at 2:15pm, but there was no answer. "Sweetie, you forgot one thing on your list - forks" if left on her voicemail.

After Little O took an afternoon nap in the stroller while on the way back from the local store, we walked around the park. And walked, and walked. Olivia normally doesn't nap more than 30 minutes, and here she had been sleeping for an hour. So I kept walking and she kept sleeping.

We got home, I gave her a bath, fed her, and was going to put her down for the night when I noticed A LOT of light coming through her windows. I looked at my watch - 17:15. Two hours earlier than she normally goes to bed - no wonder she didn't want to go to bed. I was so excited things were going so well that I mistook the 17 for 7pm. Wow.

Next call to Mom was at 9pm. To wake or not to wake? (this part dedicated to parents, others can pass if you choose). "So you know how Little O hasn't filled her britches since Friday? Well, she finally did, I can smell it, should I wake her up and change her?"

Michelle laughs "NO! Don't you remember what they said at the parenting class? Never wake a sleeping baby if you can help it." I add "Wouldn't it be better if I change her now instead of waking up to her crying at 3am?" Michelle quickly responds, "I wouldn't, but it's your call." I walk back into Olivia's room, she's sleeping peacefully. I take a whiff, talk myself out of changing her now, and go one being a gambling man.

And it paid off, she didn't wake until I went in at 6:ooam today. And I feel like I won the lottery.

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