I played a few pranks back in my day, but I think I may have played too many and turned into the boy who cried wolf. I could be the lone reason
Norm Coleman loses (IF THAT HAPPENS--or Al Franken wins depending on how you look at it), after all, my antics occupied the precious time of one of his pollsters.
See the unedited version of events that my sister Patti went through on the night of Nov 3 below.
SO last night around 9:00 pm our home phone rings. We are too cheap for caller ID so contrary to what everyone thinks we really have NO idea who is calling us.
Anywoo I pick up the phone and it goes something like this....
caller: Can I talk to Patricia please?
me: (thinking to myself....hmmm...this is suspicious. nobody calls me Patricia) This is.
caller: This is so-and-so and I'm calling on behalf of Norm Coleman....
me: (TOTALLY interrupting him) Benny? Is that you?!
caller: no ma'am. This is so-and-so (I don't remember his name because I was totally convinced that it was Benny) and I'm calling on behalf of Norm Coleman and I'm conducting a survey....
me: ha ha Benny! Whats up!
caller: ummm...I'm really trying to conduct a sur.....
me: (interrupting again) HA HA HA! GOOD ONE!!! You TOTALLY had me! Whats up!
caller: *sigh* I'm trying to conduct a surv.....
me: (interrupting again and now I'm getting sarcastic) OH! Hmmm....9:00 pm? Don't you think it is a little late to be taking a "SURVEY", Ben?!
caller: *long sigh* and then a little laugh. no really. I'm so-and-so calling on behalf of Norm Colman. Can I PLEASE just ask you a couple questions.
me: (now I'm totally confused. It sounds like "Benny" is getting serious!) uh. ok. sure?
caller: 1st question - ***now I can't remember what the questions were because I was too busy focusing if this was Benny or a real Norm Coleman rep.
me: (the question sounded pretty serious) huh. So this isn't Ben? Are you sure?
caller: no...
me: huh. I'm sorry!
***now he asks a couple more questions and I still have no idea what he is talking about because I'm not listening... just waiting for him to say ha ha just kidding it IS Ben.
fast forward to the end of conversation....
caller:all right that is all that I have. blah blah blah Thank you for your time.
me: huh. sh*t...I'm sorry. I obviously thought you were Ben...and I was OBVIOUSLY wrong! sorry for being a pain and have a good night!
LOL....that poor guy had to think I was crazy! I'm sure he put a big "DO NOT CALL" next to our number!!!
That is my funny story. LOL...I'm guessing that since you haven't called back to say "just kidding" that it really wasn't you!
I'm not one to kiss and tell when it comes to who I voted for in the election, but I did get a hilarious email that
depicted me as an Obama supporter. I'm not going to confirm or deny who I voted for or supported, but this video is pretty good.
I pray there was no one out there who failed to exercise their right to vote. Don't be that idiot. I found it ironic to hear the radio/TV commercials this morning declaring GET OUT AND VOTE when our absentee ballets had to be mailed more than two weeks ago.
And now you know the rest of the story.