First of all, I took Alicia's advice and told Benny to turn the storage room into the entertainment room. Therefore the entertainment room became the baby's room. This room has a lot of window, so the baby will have plenty of natural light. And it's the only room in the house that doesn't have wood paneling, so I hope the baby appreciates his/her white walls.
After three cups of coffee on one Sunday, Benny moved all the furniture between the two rooms. He even changed the light fixture, since I liked the light fixture in the former storage room and wanted it in the baby's room. (Isn't my hubby the best?)
Then we bought the crib that I've been eyeing at the on-base furniture store since August. We got the mattress and a green rug with bits of tan and brown in it. I thought the rug looked like grass, so it fits in with the baby's baby farm animal theme.
I emptied a chest of drawers so that Baby V has some place for his/her things. I still need to find a new place for my things, but for now that's a low priority.
Last Saturday while I talked to my sister Colleen, Benny assembled the crib in the less than an hour. I barely got off the phone in time to take this photo for the baby book.
So we have a bed, sheets, a rocking chair and carpet. I think we are baby ready.
yeah I'm sure that's all you need. the rest is just fluff anyway
First of all, I don't want Alicia to think that Michelle is having Benny carry out all Alicia's orders. I started the big move the night before to get a head start, before the "left full rudder" order came. Moving the TV, DVD player, stereo, speakers, cuddler, and surfboard, does not come at the snap of the fingers.
Two, did anyone notice the sympathy weight? It's actually a case of the camera adding 10 pounds, I haven't gained much sympathy weight. But I didn't expect any of the midwest nice folks to comment on the weight because that would not be good and right to do so.
Lastly, Michelle's conversation on the phone was 30 seconds shy of me completing the crib on Sunday. I had just one screw left and I was done when I was caught in the act.
YEAH!! Benny's a rock star to get it set up that quickly :)
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