Sunday, July 5, 2009

Benny ran away and joined the circus

Forget the jazz hands, if I only had a leotard and some sparkles... I could be a part of the Barnum and Bailey's troupe.

I'm pretty sure the trapeze instructors were laughing inside at getting a guy to do this "trick", especially since I wanted to learn new tricks (like the cadaway and plung).

I spent about one minute reading the rules before I was on the practice bar learning how to hook my legs on the bar. That was one minute more than I spent signing legal and other waivers. Then it was up the ladder!


Alicia said...

We really enjoyed your feminine lines during the leg hook. Did you have to shave your legs to do that?? *these questions were all from Andy...

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

That made me laugh! hahaha. Michelle, did you get a try?

Drea said...

I am so confused. How did you get to be a part of circus training? Did you do a show? Did they tell you to point your toes like that, or does it just come naturally?

Pops said...

You better hope your employer does not see this! Your MOS (Occupation)may get changed. To what I'm not sure.

volksbloggin said...

No I did not try. I don't think I have the arm strength to flip my legs up on the bar and be relaxed while I swinging through the air. Definitely not for me.