Monday, July 20, 2009

One small step for Olivia...

One giant leap for Dad's pride.

Olivia's first laugh came at a barbecue with some fellow Seabees on June 20th. This picture was taken by one of the junior officers who was amused by his boss, the Operations Officer, trying to get Olivia to laugh. But little did he know, the laugh was on him.

Low and behold, as this picture was taken, Olivia laughed, and it was music to Dad's ears!

Olivia still laughed sporadically since June 20, but never due to Dad's tickles or funny jokes. She would always laugh at the most random times... driving in the car, at daycare, even with Mom and her feet tickling, but NEVER with Dad. Until she forgot I was in the room on Saturday morning.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

YEAH! You finally heard it - and Benny too :)

Drea said...


Lora said...

Baby laughter is the best sound in the world!

Meli said...

That's awesome!!! And I love how the camera is shaking becaue Benny is laughing too!

Patti Kent said...

Awesome. Love it!