Monday, December 29, 2008


Last weekend Benny and I went to the Southeast Botantical Garden's Christmas Paradise 2008. The gardens were illuminated in different animals themes and you were encouraged to take your photo everywhere. There was also a light and laser show set to music that ended with fireworks.

Benny and I took a couple of photos when the batteries in my camera died. Benny was in line to climb a ladder and take his photo next to the O in Okinawa on this palm tree when the camera died. Oh well, there is always next year.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

That looks cool!

Meli said...

Seriously? Aren't you supposed to be a journalist? or does that not cover the photography side of things? ;)

Just kidding. sorta. Looked totally awesome! I'm glad you found such fun things to do over the holidays.

Miss you both so much