Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where else but in Okinawa

Benny and I were going to the movie theater on Sunday afternoon when we both turned and yelled "goat!" Apparently goats don't need seatbelts in Okinawa.


Drea said...

So goats are smarter than I know, to stay on the truck. Because, they will eat just about anything. Sheep people don't like goats. Haha.

Meli said...

that's awesome! and totally something I would take a picture of!

Patti Kent said...

Ha ha! I would have freaked. LOL...which is why Bob always drives. I'm easily distracted and if I saw something like this I'm pretty sure I would forget about the fact that I was driving!

volksbloggin said...

That explains sooo much about Benny's driving, Patti.