Benny and I reviewed our to-do list to see what we have accomplished and what we still need to do:
1) Buy crib. Set up crib. Check.
2) Decorate Baby Volkmann's room. Hmmm. Well right now we have everything that we bought for the baby in the baby's crib. Should probably start putting items on the wall and washing the clothes and putting them in the drawers. Benny offered to put the clothes, blankets and sheets away, but I told him I wasn't ready to decide which drawer will hold what items.
3) Child care. We are on the unborn baby list. After the baby is born we are put on the actual waiting list. I still need to tour the facility and ask questions about the care.
4) Budget for Baby class. Check. This is where Benny had sticker shock over the costs of feeding, diapering and clothing a little one.
5) Breastfeeding class. Check. I attended the 3-hour class last week while Benny was at Japanese language class. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Lots of helpful information. Now if I can only remember it all when the baby is here.
6) Childbirth class. We are signed up to attend this 8-hour class on Feb. 7.
7) Baby care class. We are signed up to attend this 8-hour class on Feb. 5.
8) Birth plan printed and bag packed for hospital. Again this remains on my to-do list. We have looked at the checklist to create the birth plan, but have to put it down quickly. It makes Benny squirm. It makes me cross my legs.
9) Baby registry. We are already starting to receive wonderful gifts from our registry. We picked out our stroller and ordered it through the Exchange's catalog. It will be here in 3 to 6 months. Got to love this kind of slow-boat from China service. I have two all-in-one cloth diapers and 12 pre-folds. I still need covers and many more all-in-ones. Need to place those orders so Baby Volkmann has something to cover his/her bum.
10) Car seat. Check. We bought the only gender neutral infant car seat at the Exchange. Benny installed it right away.
It didn't fit in the backseat on my car (Cy), so it was put in Favre.
As you can see Baby Volkmann hasn't even arrived yet, but he/she is already occupying all my time and thoughts. Welcome to parenthood.
You're doing good! No worries.
You'll remember the BF stuff that is most important once the baby arrives. If not, you can always ask.
Love the Greenlee shirt - I still wear mine, one of the best buys :) haha.
Birth Plan - don't let that freak you out. We had tentively discussed one (we also had to have a living will done, tell me that's not freaky; I brought it to the hospital but it never made it out of my bag. We never used the birth plan. I was in labor a total of five hours (actually four as they stopped my contractions for an hour because Tyler wasn't breathing right) and the BP went out the window quickly as they didn't expect me to come in dialated to 7! Take it in stride and love every minute.
Is the baby going to sleep in the crib right away or are you doing a bassinette? Tyler stayed in his bassinette for three months; he didn't even know he had a room, which gave us more time to work on it.
Sounds like you guys are on track. I'm sure I'll have to draw up a POAM for Jason when we decide to have kids! *sigh*
Thanks for the to-do list, Michelle. Now I don't have to make my own. :)
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