In the class, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there is an emotional exercise where you think about your funeral. You think about the future and what you would want your friends and family members to say about you once you are gone. How would your children describe you as a mother? What would your husband say? How the friends that you have made over the course of a life?
Then you write down these statements. And using those statements as a guide, you write a mission statement and daily goals based on those principles. For example, I wrote that I would want my friends to say that I never forgot their birthdays and no matter where I lived I helped in a small way to make their day special. (Which is why the belated birthday cards I have sitting in my living room are becoming a
HUGE weight on my shoulders.)
A year ago, I spent a lot of time thinking about this exercise and applying these principles to my life.
And then I forgot about it. Life happened. Excuses took over. And I lost focus of my personal mission statement and daily goals worksheet. Until this morning.
I was reading online the obituary of my aunt’s mother. I know my cousins are grieving the loss of their grandmother. And anytime a friend or loved one experiences a death of their grandmother, the feelings of my own grandmother’s death swell in my chest immediately. Obviously I can’t physically provide my support by attending the funeral, but I was thinking about my aunt, uncle and cousins, so I decide to search online for
Annabel’s obituary during my morning break at work.
I read it completely from beginning to end. And again. And again. I only met Annabel a few times and knew her only as Mary’s mom, so I learned a lot about her life in that short piece. The obit reminded me of those times I saw her and her positive smile and loving hug.
Then I read this:
Those who knew her best all remember …
God gave us the gift of an earthly Angel in the life of our Mother Annabel. Words cannot adequately express the blessing she has been to all of us … she beamed with joy whenever she was around and showed us how to truly love one another. And now, whenever we reach out and touch someone else in life, it will primarily be because of her influence and example.
She never had an ill wish or a bad word for anyone. She welcomed everyone into her life and home. In the hardest times she knew what to say and provided her family and friends with the blessing of her unconditional love and support. She thought about everyone else's needs first. She was the anchor that held us all together.
Mom's laugh was contagious. Who else laughs with their entire body - eyes, mouth, shoulders and belly? We should all have the joy of life like she did. For her it was easy to laugh and smile; easy to show love and kindness to anyone; easy to be God's witness of faithfulness and unwavering love for her Lord.
She was the ultimate caretaker - cooking, serving, worrying and praying for those she loved or even those she had just met. Grandchildren were the special recipients of her unconditional love. She especially enjoyed cooking their favorite foods (chicken noodle soup!!!) and homemade biscuits, sharing stories, playing cards, watching movies and of course giving them her undivided attention as they told of the happenings in their life.
She has completed a wonderful journey and now God has called her home. May the Lord bless and keep you, Annabel Irish Kazynski, for you are with the Angels in Heaven smiling down on all of us. Always in our hearts. Well done, good and faithful servant.This obit reads like a personal mission statement for Annabel’s life. I would like to adopt it as my own personal mission statement to shape my future decisions and actions.
Annabel touched many lives. Today she touched my heart.