Thursday, August 12, 2010

You want what for your birthday?

Olivia thought I'd be satisfied with a personally decorated birthday card, and normally I would be. But I wanted more than that for my birthday.

As I watched her prance in the pool in swimming lessons, the mischevious side of me came out. Three days in the pool and coming out of the pool each day with dry hair was too much. Her blond hair must get wet.

"Olivia, I don't know what you had planned for Dad's birthday, but his one birthday wish is to give you your first full body baptism in the pool." It'll come when you least expect it, otherwise you'll never let go of Mom.

I finally got my chance at the end of the swimming lesson today, as I had flashbacks of my Mom playing ring around the rosey with me at the Prior Lake High School pool. It seemed like we did it for hours, although it was probably only 15 minutes with my attention span.

Ring Around the rosey, pockets full of posey, ashes, ashes, we all blow bubbles! Rats. Not yet, you're lucky kiddo.

Ring Around the rosey, pockets full of posey, ashes, ashes, we all kick our feet! What? What happened to "we all fall down"?

Next verse, just like the first. Ring Around the rosey, pockets full of posey, ashes, ashes, we all FALL DOWN! (Dad is blowing bubbles, he missed his cue). But better late than never, Dad finally got his birthday wish. And there was no crying, just a reach out to Mom and a "what just happened" look.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Way to go O!
Happy Birthday Benny!

BennyV said...

AND payback by O is a bummer. Dad's up 2-1, after dunking Olivia again today with ring around the rosey (no tears were shed, just another surprised face).