Sunday, June 15, 2008

Not as fast as James Bond on the windy roads in Italy

But it sure feels like you are going too fast.

The speed limit on the clip is 30 km/hr, roughly about 20 mph. (I was close to the speed limit, but the camera adds an extra 10 km/hr.)

Most of the roads are a couple of lanes wide, but this one is by far is the most exciting to drive on out here (especially at night).

You can understand why Michelle was a little nervous to get her license at first out here. I think the motorcyclist knew we were on his tail, but Farve couldn't catch up... He just hasn't fully recovered from the cantelope rock incident. Maybe next season.


TammyK said...

I like the hula girl on the dashboard.

Meli said...

Does Benny always drive around with that music playing? you guys are too funny! move videos please

Alicia said...

Andy heard this and it made him get off "his" couch to see what the V Team was up to!!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

I think it feels fast because all the people are coming at you on the wrong side of the road!! hahahaha. Love the paint jobs on their roads.......oh and the hula girl

volksbloggin said...

Just to clarify: That's a hula pig.

Walt and Bec said...

Was that a yellow light Benny drove through - be careful man...the police might be after you next if you don't watch out!

BennyV said...

Very observant Becky and Walt. I'm sure the JP (Japanese Police) would have a viable argument about me going through the red light. The lights here go from yellow to red in no time flat. But then there always seem to be 1-5 cars that enter the intersection after the light turns red at every intersection. Why? There is a 1-2 second lag time before the light turns green for the cars about to enter the intersection. The Japanese are all about efficiency, why not squeeze a few more cars through the intersection as long while there is still time... otherwise you will wait at least 60 seconds until it turns green again since there are no sensors here to speed up the process. It may not be legal, but highly efficient.