Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SATC without my ladies

Having survived the tire incident, Benny and I proceeded with our regularly scheduled separate Saturday outings in the evening.

Benny went to Uno (translation: poker) night with the boys from his office and I went to the base's movie theater for the premiere of Sex and the City movie in Okinawa. Most of my stateside friends who watched the show and even those that didn't (like Colleen) had already seen it. I was beginning to feel a little behind the times.
Myspace Graphics

Before I continue, I would like to mention that my favorite Texan, Lara, introduced me to Sex and the City when I was lonely in Wichita Falls. I can't remember what the circumstances were exactly, but she loaned the first three seasons to me. She said I would like it. I became obsessed with it. I watched the DVDs in record time. Before long we had a regular ladies night at Gary's house on Sunday nights where we would share food and watch the show together. Brye, Lara and I often debated the characters' actions and we found a bit of ourselves in Charlotte, Samantha, Carrie and Miranda. I'm a huge Miranda fan.

Flashfoward six years: I arrived at the theater 10 minutes prior to showtime and there was a long line of ladies. Each one was dressed up and they seemed to be divided into groups of four, mirroring the characters of my favorite HBO series. I was wearing flip flops, a denim skirt and a tank top. I'm pretty sure I still had grease on my hands from Favre's breakdown, so please forgive me, pretty military spouses.

I wanted to enjoy this movie. I did. And I wanted to talk about the show with Tammy, who had kept me up to date on every news article about the movie for more than a year. Lucky Duck, Tammy covered the movie's premiere in Reno when I was in Sydney a few weeks ago.

The whole theme of the television show is the bond between female friends and how men, children and careers can't break this lifetime bond.

Sitting there alone in the theater, I couldn't get caught up in Miranda's sarcastic comments or Carrie's fashion blunders. All I could think about was the close female friends I've made through the years. And how I wished we could reunite from Kansas, Texas, Floriday, Arizona, Iowa, Idaho, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, DC, California and Virginia and share one last ladies movie night together.


villette1 said...

Michelle, don't feel bad. I was supposed to go see the movie last weekend with my good friend (and former roomie) but she had her stepdaughter (5th Grade) with her and I still have not seen the movie. Doh. Maybe Saturday, my next day off. See, you did get to see it before this lazy Arizonan...
BTW, we are having UNO night here on Friday (read: poker). Tell Benny we're carrying on the trend.

TammyK said...

Michelle, it was sad to watch with out you, too, but don't worry ... someday it will be out on DVD and we you will be stateside and we can have a ladies night again ... or several, because you know Dre won't make it all the way through a movie at home without falling asleep ;)

Sweet Cheeks said...

I wore jeans and flip flops and couldn't believe there were women in heals, it was hilarious. Great flick though, I truly enjoyed it too! But I was so annoyed at first when she was back with Big. You seen "The Visitor"? I just saw that by myself two weeks ago, great thinker movie and I don't mind movies by myself - sometimes I prefer it. Miss ya though!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Can you believe I've never seen that show? However, I'd go see it with you!!

We all wish you were closer! Or at least in drivable distance. Tammy, Dani and I will have to get to our Japan trip planning!!!

Meli said...

I went to see it by myself last week too. I was laughing so hard there were tears running down my face. Then I would get sad I didn't have anyone (female friends)there to share it with.

I wore flip flops, a skirt, and tank top as well. how chic