Friday, October 17, 2008

One year ago

One year ago, Benny came home from Iraq. It's crazy how fast time flies. It seems like he has been home forever. Maybe it seems like such a long time because since his homecoming we moved to Japan, started new jobs and are expecting our first baby. But all that happened in the last six months. Where did the other six months go?

Tonight I'm planning my Over the Hump Celebration.

During a deployment, the service members and their families both separately mark the halfway point of the time apart with an "Over the Hump" Party. I remembered we had a barbecue on the beach in California with the NMCB 4 spouses. I think Benny had a softball tournament and cook out at his camp. It's something of tradition and motivation. This small party with co-workers and friends reminds you that the end is in sight.

With this in mind, I declared Friday as our Over the Hump day for Baby Volkmann. We are halfway done with our first pregnancy. Only four and half months to go!!!


Peter said...

Yes, I remember our over-the-hump party in Iraq, even if it wasn't as memorable as the cookout on the beach, where a certain sex-crazed addict said a certain comment about certain spouses who had no right showing up at the beach...

It is hard to believe that it's been a year, huh?

volksbloggin said...

Wow, Peter ... you don't forget anything do you?

Sweet Cheeks said...

Awww, makes me think of how different deployments are when its an IA and when you are with a command that maybe has 6 in your wardroom. No over the hump party for me - it just included a smile on my face and mentioning it with Jackson over the phone. I'm so sick of this deployment! But we're about 30 days left! But I love your new over the hump bump. ;-)

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Crazy how quick it goes, huh? I'm still waiting for that baby belly, but I see it in that Navy ball shot! HOORAY!

And I remember Benny coming home. You were so happy :)