Saturday, October 11, 2008

Zicke zacke zicke zacke hoi hoi hoi

Oktoberfest came to Okinawa Saturday night.

The event was organized by my employer, Marine Corps Community Services and was held at the Officer's Club on one of the Marine Corps bases. My co-workers told me before hand that it is one of the best events held all year. A great party. The entertainment is an oompah band that travels from Germany to Okinawa for the event. And since the head chef of the O-Club is Wolfgang from Germany, I had high hopes for our Saturday night.

We were handed our Oktoberfest steins as soon as we walked in the door. It was all the Munich beer Benny could drink. My stein was filled with Sprite. It was all the bratwurst, spaetzle, potato salad, red cabbage, sauerkraut and apple strudel I could eat. When all was said and done, we had a barrel of fun.

Benny was in his element with all the German chanting and toast yelling before each round. I was happy to dance to polka music (at one point, Benny and I led everyone in the Chicken Dance) and sing along to "Roll Out the Barrel." When the band played "Achy Breaky Heart," I was a little disappointed. But most of the crowd was drunk, so I was probably the only person who was annoyed with the selection.

On the ride home, Benny kept commenting how this was the BEST Oktoberfest that he has attended. Since it was the second Oktoberfest we have attended and the first one was in Yuma where they served Corona and had a Mexican music playing, I had to agree.

This was the best Oktoberfest.


Meli said...

yummy spaetzle
yucky achy breaky heart
sounds like you had fun

Peter said...

yay for Germans! Not that I've ever been to an Oktoberfest, but yay for Germans anyway! Can I help it that my German ancestors were teetotalers?