Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Greetings from Down Under

G'Day Mates!

My time with my sisters in Australia is coming to an end. What a lovely holiday. Truly the trip of a lifetime.

Since arriving, I climbed the Sydney Bridge, admired the views from the Opera House and drank with Irish blokes at the Hero of Waterloo pub. The best part was I experienced it all with my sisters.

I ate a kanga fillet, emu and barramundi with chips, of course. I pulled a beet from underneath my hamburger bun and tossed it aside. My favorite food is the lollies, especially chocolate Tim Tams and mango licorice. I would pass on a meat pie with sauce.

Donning my swimming costume, I snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef and weeped at its natural beauty. I tossed a boomerang and launched a spear that wouldn't sail. I bushwalked in the Blue Mountains, but didn't get sunburned in the Outback. I watched footy on the television, but didn't get the chance to attend a match.

I've written the train numerous times and climbed too many stairs to count. And every time I saw a sign for "rubbish," I giggled.

My camera memory card is crammed with heaps of photos. And I still need to photograph Rachel at her Uni. Maybe I can get her mates in the photo too.

If you found this Aussie slang confusing. Then you know how I feel. People talk to me in what I assume is English, but it sounds like a foreign language. I swear I don't understand them at all.

In a couple of days, I'll be back in a truly foreign country, Okinawa, with my Benny. Until then, safe travels and no worries.


BennyV said...

So awesome to hear you are having an awesome time, but can't wait to have you home too. Looking forward to seeing the pictures and hearing the stories.

Hopefully everyone still sees your blog even though I posted one tonight too... we may have to shift my down below yours...

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Your trip sounds awesome just from that short synopsis. Can't wait to see the pics!

AND I'm jealous of you climbing the bridge. How cool! I saw that on Biggest Loser, hahaha

Peter said...


Umm, you think Aussie slang is hard? Have you ever listened to your husband jabbering away with a bunch of other CEC officers? It's bad enough figuring out the military slang, but then the enginerd speak creeps in and...uggh! I'm glad you had a great trip to Australia, but I know that Benny is ready to have you home--he's not used to sleeping by himself. In fact, rumor has it that he got so lonely he offered to fly Constance and James out to be his roomies just like old times...

villette1 said...

Aussie hard? I can understand. Try listening to folks from the "black country" in england. Just nod politely, but don't say yes to anything... :-)

TammyK said...

Michelle, I find it hard to believe that you wept at the great barrier reef, but it sounds like a wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear more about it. But just so that you have something to be jealous about, too, you should know that I went to a Sex and the City screening tonight ;)

BennyV said...

In response to previous commenters:
1. Tammers, thanks for taking care of my weekend plans (if Sex in the City is playing here).

2. Peter, as much as I loved listening to snoring three times as loud as Dad's, and Constance at the ready to throw various items of indirect fire at the snorer, I am doing alright on my own.

3. Peter, Peter, Peter... So what if engineers like to talk in alphabet soup, you Chaplains... well, you... arrrrrh, it's impossible to say anything bad about you guys because you are just too darn swell. Oh, except you can't pick baseball teams that are at least .500.